COVID-19 and Your Swimming Pool


It’s official - The CDC says that that COVID-19 can’t be spread to humans through the use of swimming pools and spas. Proper operation, regular maintenance, and typical disinfection, with chlorine and bromine should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

Actual quote from the CDC Website:

“There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas.”

With COVID-19, and the hesitation to travel, people are taking that money and investing it in a backyard pool. If you are an existing or future swimming pool owner, here are a some tips that may be helpful:


  • Keep up your pool sanitation, test the pool chemistry on a weekly basis, and balance your chemicals accordingly (pay special attention to your pH levels).

  • Wash all pool towels in hot water and sanitize poolside and in-pool furniture.

  • Wash the pool deck with chlorinated water, especially in any areas where puddles form

Common Sense

  • Keep anyone who is sick or feeling unwell out of the pool.

  • If you have several people in your pool or spa, make sure that you don’t exceed the recommended user load for your pool size (about one person per three linear feet).

Hopefully, this helps with any concerns you may have about the COVID-19 and swimming pools. The fact is, with so many families looking at more “Staycations” instead of traveling, this is a a topic many are asking about.

If you think that a swimming pool might be a good choice for your family, feel free to contact us to help you get started on your swimming pool journey. We are here to help.

-Frank Sandoval
Design and Sales Support